Forums for Women

Women Who Risk

The Path to Power & Possibility
The Urgency of Risk for women
Often ignored, "risk" is a key element of women's success. From their ability to creatively solve problems to their innovative leadership abilities inside organizations and within their own lives.

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the women who risk forums
Created in response to the urgency of risk and driven by the experiences of real women, the Women Who Risk Forums are innovative and results-driven events.
Teri Bybee, Founder
"Learning to engage "risk" is the key that unlocks lasting positive change & unleashes the Power, Potential and Possibility of Women in Your Organization--today and at every level."
The evidence
Uniquely designed for women and the organizations supportive of women. By combining storytelling and energy psychology to unlock creativity and leadership quickly--at all levels.
Teri Bybee
Teri Bybee is the founder of The Risk Repatterning Initiative and Women Who Risk. She brings her track record as an accomplished facilitator with 21 years of experience teaching, training and coaching.

The Risk Repatterning Initiative is about rising above old patterns that no longer serve so we can finally embrace all of our power and all of who we are as women.

Teri has an immense desire to support women in joyfully taking risks, overcoming their fears and transcending the personal devastation that comes from always playing it safe.

Reach out to her directly if you have questions OR ideas about how to bring the "Risk" movement to more women.
The reasons risk matters
Listen to Founder Teri Bybee make the personal and practical case for why risk is paramount for women--individually and within institutions.
Founder Teri Bybee shares the
Science of "Risk" for Women

Our Clients Love Us

  • Dr. Meggie Mapes
    University of Kansas / Meggie Mapes LLC

    "The Women Who Risk Leader Forums are a great example of Leading through Listening, which stand out as an empathetic innovation to traditional masculinist models of leadership with the power to open up new dimensions in creativity and sustainable productivity—to make more possible for women who lead and organizations committed to women leading."

  • Valerie Martinelli
    Bottom line is there are simply not enough of these kinds of conversations happening. What attracted me so much about Women Who Risk was the depth of the conversations and my strong feeling that we need to continue to have these conversations. We need to go deep if we want change."
  • Dr. Jan Kircher

    "Young women will find tremendous benefit in these forums, which will help them gain momentum toward their goals. The Women’s Leadership Forums help women find the connections, build the confidence and exhibit the courage they need to successfully navigate their personal and professional lives."

Our Clients Love Us

  • Lauren kay wyatt
    Love Renegades/

    "The event itself was wonderful. She's a wonderful moderator. Even though I have a different background than she and the other woman, on the call, I felt very welcome and it was so interesting to hear their stories and experiences."

  • Wendy Isley
    Consulting Hypnotist / Liberty Hypnosis

    "There's huge benefits to having compassionate receivers for your thoughts, and having a safe space to be able to voice your experiences, and how you perceive women's empowerment and how to encourage it. It's a wonderful forum.”

  • Cayelin Castell
    Shamanic Astrologer /

    "It was a fun an interesting conversation and that can be very valuable especially to people who don’t have them all the time. This is a way to connect with people all over.”

When Women Risk
we all benefit (big time)
Women take fewer risks than men because the world is a more dangerous place for women. Women must now face the biggest risk of all: the insistence on our full humanity.

Social movements, rallies, personal growth seminars, life coaches, and therapists are wonderful tools that will remain limited in their effect if we fail to confront the reality of risk and womanhood by coming together and sharing our stories.

Now we must go beyond consciousness raising and actively participate in a "Consciousness Repatterning."

I hope every mother will bring her daughter. I hope every daughter will bring her mother. I hope every woman will joyfully risk attendance at a forum.

Your sister in joyful risk taking,

Teri Bybee, founder
When Women Risk
we all benefit (big time)
Women take fewer risks than men because the world is a more dangerous place for women. Women must now face the biggest risk of all: the insistence on our full humanity.

Social movements, rallies, personal growth seminars, life coaches, and therapists are wonderful tools that will remain limited in their effect if we fail to confront the reality of risk and womanhood by coming together and sharing our stories.

Now we must go beyond consciousness raising and actively participate in a "Consciousness Repatterning."

I hope every mother will bring her daughter. I hope every daughter will bring her mother. I hope every woman will joyfully risk attendance at a forum.

Your sister in joyful risk taking,

Teri Bybee, founder
Dr. Meggie Mapes on Our Approach
What is the benefit of consciousness raising groups generally and specifically for women?
Consciousness raising groups were/are necessary methods of reflection and resistance. They're spaces to process and reflect on experiences of people in your community (like women; other out groups) and resistant because our culture often keeps things from changing or bonds from being built through its reliance on tactics that separate and aim to keep difference a part.

Can you speak with regards to the practical benefits?

It could likely be linked to many gains: economic, psychological, interpersonal and even physical. Consciousness raising groups require that you practice listening in an empathetic way. That's rare for leadership, and could be a valuable skill—as well as in interpersonal relationships, etc. It also validates people as credible when they're speaking from experience; and it asks that you seek feedback based on those experiences from those around you, which expands the way you see the world and what might be possible.

Dr. Mapes is a professor at the University of Kansas, writer and performer with a Ph.D. in communication studies. Committed to advancing women, she lives in Kansas City with her partner and two amazing dogs. Follow her on Twitter @MeggieMapes.
Unlock Your Inner Courageous Leader

A Free, Quick and Proven Energetic Process to Overcome Perfectionism, Imposter Syndrome, and Self-Doubt

Ready to Talk Risk?
We're always happy to connect talk risk! It's what we do! Fill out the brief form to have a conversation around whether or not our approach is the right one for you, your organization and the women in your professional and personal circles. Whether you want to participate, lead or simply have questions about our work we're here to support you.
We'll reach out within a few days to schedule a time for us to connect.

Unlock Your Inner Courageous Leader

A Free, Quick and Proven Energetic Process to Overcome Perfectionism, Imposter Syndrome, and Self-Doubt
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