#CWW March 2024: Reveling in Radiance: Rediscovering Joy and Magic in Your Daily Routine
Step into a world of wonder and delight this month as we embark on a new theme: "Reveling in Radiance: Rediscovering Joy and Magic In Your Daily Routine." Join us as we journey into the realm of joy, playfulness, and the enchanting magic of everyday life. Together, we will explore how to infuse our daily routines with a sense of lightness, uncover the beauty in the mundane, and embrace the radiance that comes from living authentically. Discover the transformative power of joy and magic as we delve into this month's theme, and let's revel in the radiance that surrounds us each day.
REplay March 2024: Reveling in Radiance: Rediscovering Joy and Magic in Your Daily Routine
REvel In Your Radiance
Please answer these 2 short questions in advance of March 16h Repatterning Forum