Ignite Your Power with The Unlock Your Inner Courageous Leader JV  Giveaway

Beneath the layers of impostor syndrome, self-doubt, and perfectionism lies the innate power every woman possesses to unlock her inner courageous leader. We've brought together five world-class women experts to help you discover your inner strength and confidence, paving the way for a courageous leader to emerge from within.
unlock a FREE gift from each of our five experts.
By Simply Entering Your Email ADdress
I've created this exclusive online giveaway to empower you on your journey to joyful risk and massive success. As women, we confront significant challenges, including sexism, leadership barriers, violence, and earning gaps, which often infiltrate our minds, leading to issues like perfectionism, imposter syndrome, depression, and anxiety.

Our world-class experts address a range of challenges—from workplace bullying and career struggles to public speaking hurdles, mindset and management difficulties, and embracing risks—all tailored to impact women uniquely.

Join our community of like-minded women, tap into your inner strength, and gain valuable knowledge to thrive as a leader in your field. Don't miss out on this chance to elevate your journey.

Join the Giveaway & Secure Your Free Access to These Empowering Gifts

Your commitment begins with a simple step – unlocking the door to a world of insights and tools.

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meet Our World-Class Women Experts
These courageous women leaders are here to elevate your success, overcome BIG obstacles, and provide you with proven tools and transformational resources combat self-doubt, imposter syndrome, and perfectionism.
  • Dr. Jan Kircher

    Rising Above Bullying and Toxicity: Affirmations for Strength and Resilience

    Dr. Jan Kircher helps individuals and organizations heal from the traumatizing effects of workplace bullying and foster workplace wellness. With over 20 years of experience, she's a leading expert in the field. She provides practical strategies for ending bullying and fostering personal growth. Sign-up to receive her powerful free gift: Rising Above Bullying and Toxicity: Affirmations for Strength and Resilience.
  • Valerie Martinelli
    Elevate Your Career: Overcoming Imposter Syndrome for a Salary Upgrade
    Valerie Martinelli is the CEO of Valerie Martinelli Consulting, an award-winning career and leadership coaching business. She helps mid and senior-level executives land new roles, cultivate careers, and earn massive salary increases. VMC has helped numerous professionals achieve their dream careers and crush their salary goals. Sign-up to upgrade your career with her gift: Elevate Your Career: Overcoming Imposter Syndrome for a Salary Upgrade
  • Gina Macaluso

    It's All About Mindset Assessment: The secret to true joy & success!

    Through the years, Gina Macaluso has worked with a wide variety of entrepreneurs and business owners, providing invaluable assistance to guide them out of stress, financial deficit, and frustration. Her expertise has been instrumental in leading them towards a brighter, more profitable business and a more abundant life. When you sign-up, you'll be able to do the same with her It's All About Mindset Assessment: The Secret to True Joy & Success.
  • Dr. Meggie Mapes

    Unleash Your Impact & Confidence with the Power of Professional Pocket Stories

    Dr. Meggie Mapes helps women revolutionize the way they communicate and elevate their presence. She's is a renowned author, public speaking expert, and professor of communication at the University of Kansas, with a passion for creating major strategic communications wins. Sign-up to get Dr. Mapes' transformational gift: Unleash Your Impact & Confidence with the Power of Professional Pocket Stories.
  • Host: Teri Bybee

    Unlock Your Inner Courageous Leader: A Quick and Proven Process to Overcome Perfectionism and Self-Doubt

    Teri Bybee is a passionate advocate for women's empowerment, dedicated to helping them achieve unprecedented success. For over 25 years, Teri has harnessed the power of energy psychology, effecting concrete transformations in countless lives. Sign-up to experience the power of work through her free gift: Unlock Your Inner Courageous Leader: A Free, Quick and Proven Energetic Process to Overcome Perfectionism, Imposter Syndrome, and Self-Doubt.

Join the Giveaway & Secure Your Free Access to These Empowering Gifts

Your commitment begins with a simple step – unlocking the door to a world of insights and tools.

By clicking this button you agree to our Terms of Service
How it Works
Here's everything you need to know about how to sign-up and accelerate Your Path to Power & Possibility
  • 1
    Sign Up for Access
    To kickstart this empowering journey, simply provide your email address to gain exclusive access to a treasure trove of gifts and resources. Your commitment begins with a simple step – unlocking the door to a world of insights and tools.
  • 2
    Choose Your Gifts
    Once inside, you'll have the freedom to explore and download resources tailored to your needs. Select the gifts you'd like to download, whether you're seeking professional communication tips, resilience strategies, conscious business growth insights, career-building resources, energetic tools, or mindset magic – the choice is yours.
  • 3
    Ongoing Advice, Tips & Insights
    By opting into this giveaway, you not only gain immediate access to valuable gifts but also become part of a community committed to ongoing support. Our world-class experts will share advice, tips, and insights to guide you on your journey to becoming a courageous leader in every aspect of your life.
  • 4
    Become Part of a Community of Women Supporting Women

    This giveaway is more than just a collection of gifts; it's a movement of women supporting women. By choosing to be a part of this empowering experience, you contribute to a community that believes in the strength and resilience of every woman. We understand the challenges women often face in seeking support and gifts, and this giveaway is a joyful risk – a way to step into the spotlight and embrace the empowerment you deserve.

Join the Giveaway & Secure Your Free Access to These Empowering Gifts

Your commitment begins with a simple step – unlocking the door to a world of insights and tools.

By clicking this button you agree to our Terms of Service
Meet Your Host
Teri Bybee
Teri Bybee is a passionate advocate for women's empowerment, dedicated to helping them transcend boundaries and achieve unprecedented success. As the founder of Women Who Risk, Teri embodies the belief that remarkable accomplishments emerge when individuals utilize the power of taking purposeful risks.

With an unwavering commitment to her mission, Teri guides women on a transformative journey. Her mantra, "I help women take joyful, purposeful risks so that they can achieve success and redefine the boundaries of what's possible for all women," reflects her deep dedication to catalyzing change.

Teri's journey to launching Women Who Risk was sparked by a profound realization—that life's fullest potential lies beyond comfort zones. Her heart-driven approach empowers women to shatter limiting beliefs, embrace vulnerability, and embrace their inherent strength. For over 25 years, Teri has harnessed the power of energy psychology, effecting concrete transformations in countless lives.